Gregoria is 73 years old and lives in Salvapan, Belize with her son Roberto who has epilepsy, her daughter Nidia and Nidia’s 4 year old son, Jefferson. They are originally from Guatamala, but now live in Belize. The house she lives in belongs to her brother, so she does not own a home of her own, although she does have land. Gregoria’s husband left her when Nidia was only 14 years old, so she has raised her family on her own. You can see from the video that the house they currently live in is very cramped, and Nidia has to share the open space with her son and brother. Nidia told me she would love to have her own room where she can get dressed in private. The house they live in is not safe, please consider helping us to build a safe decent home for this little family by donating.
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