

Together, we can do something
Home Construction

Jose and Dayra Arcedes' Family Home

Jose and his wife Dayra and their two children, Fernanda and Anthony live in Salvapan, Belize.  They came to Belize from Honduras in 2001, and as you can see in the video, they are now living in a house that he built from scraps and pieces of wood pieced together.  Jose is a hard worker who rides his bike each day at 6:30 in the morning to the Co-Cathedral, where he works taking care of the grounds there. His job only provides enough for him to support his family.  We met Jose when we were tiling the St. Martins Church floor.  He came every day to help us, and also brought water and sometimes lunch for the workers.  As you can see from the video, this family could really use our help.


Would you be willing to help us build a safe home for his family.  The approximate cost for his home is $11,000.  Please consider helping this family have a home by donating on the link below.

Home Construction

Gregoria Suchite's House Build Project

Gregoria is 73 years old and lives in Salvapan, Belize with her son Roberto who has epilepsy, her daughter Nidia and Nidia’s 4 year old son, Jefferson.  They are originally from Guatamala, but now live in Belize.  The house she lives in belongs to her brother, so she does not own a home of her own, although she does have land.  Gregoria’s husband left her when Nidia was only 14 years old, so she has raised her family on her own.  You can see from the video that the house they currently live in is very cramped, and Nidia has to share the open space with her son and brother.  Nidia told me she would love to have her own room where she can get dressed in private.  The house they live in is not safe, please consider helping us to build a safe decent home for this little family by donating.

Home Construction

Maria Vargas' Emergency Appeal

Meet Maria Vargas from Las Flores, Her home was in bad shape to begin with, but when Hurricane Lisa hit the village in November 2022, her home sustained a lot of damage.  Part of her roof blew off, which we fixed temporarily. The structure itself we were able to also fix with some temporary 2 x 4 beams.  Besides the roof damage, the floor is rock and mud with old linoleum over top of it.  There are gaps between the wood walls throughout her home and the roof leaks.


Maria has property on which we can build and a septic system already, although she does not have an indoor toilet.  Maria’s mother is recovering from cancer, whom she helps take care of, along with a sister who has been handicapped since birth.  Approximate cost for this small 20 x 16 home build will be $11,000.  Will you please help Maria get into a safe place to live by donating using the button below.

Home Construction

Maria Aparicio's Home Build

Maria was walking in the village of Las Flores on a very hot day. We gave her a ride to her home where she invited us in. We were invited into a two-room wooden structure. One small room had only a hammock strung from end to end. The second room separated only by a curtain contained a home-made bed made from tree branches that she and her grandson sleep in. Her kitchen is outside on a covered porch and her bathroom is a shared out-house that is behind another house on her property. The wood walls of her home have large gaps where the outside light shines in. She is requesting a small home.


We can provide a 14 x 18 home that is safe and has an indoor bathroom with a septic system for $12,500. Please consider helping us provide a safe home for Miss Maria and her grandson by donating below.

Home Construction

Jolee and Family

Jolee and her three children live on the top of a mountain in Armenia, Cayo District. One of her sons suffers from epilepsy. Jolee and her family do not have running water or electric. She collects water in blue barrels outside their one room house. The bathroom is some distance from the house and is constructed of blankets (for privacy), sticks and metal. Jolee cooks over an open fire, with food that is mostly donated to her. She is a hard worker and when she can she cleans homes to make enough money to buy food and medicine for her family. We are currently in the process of raising funds to build or purchase a home for Jolee and her family that will have running water and electricity and that is down in the village instead of being on top of the mountain, which is unattainable by car. You can help by donating to our construction/renovation fund.

Home Construction

Manuel and Maria

We met Manuel and his mother Maria on our very first trip to the Village of Las Flores. Manuel was so happy to meet us and took us into his home. The home which was metal and wood was in such bad shape. Soon after we went back to the U.S., we were able to raise enough funds to finish building he and his family a small block home with room for expansion. There are many more homes and families in the village who need help. Please consider donating for future house construction like this one, to provide safe homes for our brothers and sisters in Las Flores and the surrounding area.

How do I get involved?

San Miguel Arcangel Missions
445 County Road 262
Hanceville, AL 35077

  • +1-256-887-3117
  • Mon - Fri : 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • contact@sanmiguelarcangelmissions.org