
Anthony "Tony" Moreno

Director of Marketing and Media

Tony Moreno was born in Dominican Republic to two amazing parents, Antonio and Rosy. In 2003 the family moved to the United States with hope of a better future. With their parents guidance, Tony and his siblings try to serve in church as much as they can. As a teenager, Tony joined the Choir at the Catholic Church of Santa Rita in San Cristobal, Dom. Rep. and now as an adult, Tony practices this ministry as a Hispanic Youth Choir Director at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. In this same church, Tony met his wife Sary and became parents of their baby boy Ezekiel.

Today, Tony works as a Mechanical Engineer and he is an active Real Estate Investor looking to replace his W2 salary so he can be able to spend more time with his family and serving the Lord anywhere and anytime.

In 2021, Tony felt the call to serve those in need of a home in developing countries. Through his spiritual guide, Father Jonathan Howell, Tony was connected to the San Miguel Arcangel Missions group. Tony and Sary accompanied San Miguel Arcangel Missions on an Immersion Trip, and now see it as their duty to serve those in Belize and around the world. Tony hopes to make this a ministry his children will one day be a part of.

Contact Info

Phone : 256-887-3117
Email : contact@sanmiguelarcangelmissions.org